Welcome to Westbrook Village Players
The Westbrook Village Players is a group of theater lovers who work together to produce 2 theatrical productions each year. We present one play or musical in the Spring and one in the Fall.
We are a not-for-profit volunteer organization that entirely produces each of our plays. Some of our actors are active in other theaters around the Valley as well. In addition, we have actively worked with area schools and retirement homes recreating historical characters and events. The Village Players have been producing two plays a year since their start in 1998. We are pleased to say that our attendance has steadily grown and we have had thousands of people attend our Spring and Fall performances.
The Object of the Club is to develop theatrical skills of interested Westbrook Village residents through workshops and productions, to encourage creativity of its members, and to increase cultural opportunities for Westbrook Village. Open auditions are held for all productions under the auspices of the Village Players
Join the Westbrook Village Players
We encourage those interested to join our group. We have the need not only for actors, but those behind the scenes as well. We do our own publicity, set design and construction, make-up, costuming, props, stage managing, prompting, playbill/program design and production, acquiring advertising, etc. If you are interested, we will welcome you to the club.
Please join us for meetings on the 1st Monday of every month (except June and July) at 7:00 p.m. at the Vistas Recreation Center. See contact information on this website
Community Outreach
We collaborate with our community! How can we assist you in bringing quality theatrical productions to your facility!
Want to thank your wonderful donors or volunteers?
Want to bring entertainment to your conference or location?
The Westbrook Village Players is a community theater in the West Valley that produces 2 plays every year. We also collaborate with community organizations to help with your entertainment needs.
We can bring a full length (approx. 2 hours) production (See Love Letters below) or short (10 – 15 minutes each) performances to your venue. The set is minimal and lighting is optional. This is an easily portable production.
Please contact us by:
(1) E-mail us at rsulli49@yahoo.com
(2) Call us at 623-879-0673 or 623-670-1394 and leave a message
Latest News
Auditions for the Village Players Fall 2024 production
Delval Divas, a play about preserving the lavish diva lifestyle while incarcerated. OPEN auditions Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30 PM Vistas Ballroom All Westbrook Village residents are encouraged to audition.

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